If you’ve been looking into product development positions you have seen come up on the internet as you’ve been searching for your next career move, it is likely that while these positions sound interesting at first glance, you might not fully understand what product development positions actually are.
In a nutshell, project development positions are concerned with the investigation, design, and assessment of products that the project manager brainstorms for the company. This also consists of coordinating all stages of product development from the beginning concept stages straight on through to distribution. For your first move, getting in touch with a recruiting firm can help you fully understand the nature of what one company might be looking for over another.
The average production worker in the United States earns roughly $11.95 per hour. Project Management positions will provide you with a salary well beyond that. Because of the nature fo the position, people who tackle these jobs for businesses are using the expertise to create something new and possibly monumental in the industry. There is a great deal of creativity involved in project management. So, if you are looking to hone your creative skill, there are many different recruiting services out there looking for someone just like you.
In 2014, a survey of companies showed that 71% of companies who responded had a need for more skilled workers than they currently had employed. In 2013, that number was even higher at 73% of responding companies.
Another area specialty that is developing in the world of business and technology is the Internet of Things. Simply put, the Internet of Things is the concept of linking any device with an on/off switch to the World Wide Web. According to some, by 2020 there will be over 26 billion devices connected to the Internet.
Consider your roadside assistance plan you have with your car, if you have one. If you break down, you can push a button and connect to a live person somewhere quite a distance from you. This technology was brainstormed, developed, and distributed by a team led by someone who was employed in one of many product development positions.
Wherever you are in your current job, there is always an opportunity to do more with your career if you want to. Dream big and go after what you want to do with your life. Your creativity could be put to good use in any number of different ways. If it is a challenge you seek, a simple search will reveal any number of companies in any number of fields looking to continue to develop.
In the coming decades, companies all over the globe with be trying to innovate and move their sector forward by riding the coattails of ideas dreamed up and nurtured by the most creative minds in their business. Why not jump in the pond?