When it comes to implementing patch management best practices on just about any computer or network, timeliness is at the heart of just about every such aspect. Implementing patch management best practices is, essentially, simply downloading and installing any new patches or updates created and distributed by your OS manufacturer as soon as they are released to the public, and repeating this task as needed without delay. However, patch management best practices are nearly impossible to successfully implement when there is more than one user on a network or workstation, so many people have turned to the many software solutions out there to help them overcome the variables inherent when dealing with the potential for human error.
For most administrators, the easiest way to make sure patch management best practices are consistently adhered to is simply to download a software program that is wired to automatically take care of downloading and installing the aforementioned patches and updates without a second thought. Plenty of programs exist out there to make implementing patch management best practices a snap on your particular operating system, but it is absolutely imperative that any such program you choose be fully compatible with the exact version of the OS you currently run.
First, start a search engine query for the phrase automatic patch management software, as well as the full version of your OS. Look over the results until you find such a program that is consistently well rated by reputable software sources, and make sure that the program in question was designed to be compatible with your specific OS. If it indeed meets all of the above criteria, download and install your new patch management solution right away. Patch management best practices will be implemented easily and automatically, and your system should be that much more secure!