Headhunters  Hunting for the Best Employee for the Job

Headhunters Hunting for the Best Employee for the Job

Nothing can feel worse when the company you work for no longer has a CEO. It is one step away from being the definition of purgatory. The stress of not having someone leading the company can weigh on everyone’s mind, chipping away at a person’s effectiveness, performance and sense of job security. While the CEO may not be the only one who leads the company, various employees below them also have a hand in that, the problem arises when several people are making the decisions that the CEO would have been making.

Imagine this: you and a handful of co-workers have responsibilities. Now, throw in a missing CEO and, because you were close to the CEO’s belt, you and those handful of co-workers are now making the decisions of the CEO on top of your normal, every day responsibilities. What you need are headhunters.

What is an Executive Placement Agency?

Of course, not literal headhunters, that’s just a colloquial term. An executive placement agency uses “headhunters” to scout