When you run a network, demanding a patch management policy be enacted that requires each individual user to download and install each new update immediately is depressingly unrealistic. However, you can enact this patch management policy successfully and painlessly by installing automatic patch management software that can take care of things for you along the way. No tedious memos on patch management policy need ever be sent out, and no nagging the employees would ever be necessary.
To find the right patch management software to enact this patch management policy on your own network, make sure that you know exactly what operating system is being run on each computer first. Look over as many patch management software reviews as possible, and find a program to enact your patch management policy that is known to be both reliable and compatible with the particular operating system on which it is to be installed. Obviously, there is little point in installing a program to take care of your patch management policy if this program later ends up causing system wide computer problems due to incompatibility.
Automatic patch management software is indeed probably the only realistic and painless way to enforce a solid patch management policy across a network of users with different proclivities and priorities. Few people, especially casual users, care about cyber security to the degree that a network administrator does, so be sure that your software reflects your realism. A solid patch management policy is something that basically boils down to timeliness and efficiency in downloading and installing system updates, and the best way to do this regularly is to eliminate the human element as much as possible in its implementation. Remember that you may have to install one or more types of patch management software per operating system that you use, so always do your homework on the subject!