From the time server to the NTP digital wall clock, there are many methods that we keep time all throughout the United States and in most places of the world. And from the wifi digital wall clock to the advancement of the time server, the ways in which we keep time and ways in which we CAN seep time are growing as well. But time is far from a new concept.
In fact, the exact opposite is true. Time has been around for thousands of years and it has estimated that we have been keeping time for at least five thousand of them. Some estimates even put us at keeping time for up to six thousand years, though the exact amount varies from historian to historian. Time was first kept, it is thought, by the ancient Egyptians, who discovered how to create and use primitive sundials, as well as obelisks. It was not until the fourteen century that mechanical clocks were invented somewhere in Europe.
But time can be considered to be relative. We have become accustomed to time as it is now, but this does not mean that people have never tried to deviate from it. For instance, the Soviet Union once tried to put into place five and six day weeks instead of seven day weeks and the end of the French Revolution saw ten hour clocks. However, the system of time has always reverted back to the norm, and we have reached a global consensus in many ways about how time is kept and monitored, though different religions follow different religious calendars in tandem with the standard calendar, not choosing one above the other.
The keeping of time is important for businesses as well, who lose, on average, up to seven and a half million dollars a day from the economy of the United States alone all due to time sheets that have not been properly filled out. Businesses rely on an accurate time server as much as the average person does. It is a lucky thing that the time server has become more accurate than ever before, lending itself for use in everything from the PTP time server to the wifi digital clock or standard wifi clock.
In fact, the time server seen around the world and NTP, or Network Time Protocol, are very closely linked. Network Time Protocol, NTP, has now been instituted for quite some time, since the year of 1985, which is now more than thirty years in the past. Nowadays, Network Time Protocol is considered to be one of the oldest internet protocols around, but it is still in use today and has proven to be quite effective. Without Network Time Protocol, the time server for everything from the network timer server to the NTP GPS clock would be virtually obsolete.
The typical time server also relies on satellites floating far above us in space. Perhaps one of the most important purposes of the typical satellite in space is for regulating time, something that is also done through PTP, or Precision Time Protocol. The use of the PTP time server helps to synchronize clocks directly through computer networks, helping to standardize time – adjusting for various time zones, of course – all around the world. PTP or Precision Time Protocol is relatively new, only brought into widespread use in the year of 2002, less than twenty full years ago.
But why do satellites work so effectively and efficiently in the way that they do? This is primarily due to the GPS, or Global Positioning System, that is built into them and that is an integral part of their function. These thirty one satellites have built in atomic clocks, making them incredibly accurate and efficient when it comes to conveying time, something that is much needed in our world when it comes to accuracy and ensuring that we stick to this accuracy.
From the time server to the digital wifi clock, clocks and time, though only a social construct at heart, are truly and irrevocably important to the ways in which we live our lives. We order our lives through time, and time is how we chart the course of them too.