Modern marketing tactics for businesses and organizations of all varieties have been heavily invested in search engines and other online tactics. Google, and their powerful website ranking algorithms have not only provided the most reliable and effective way for internet users to find what they are looking for, but they’ve provided an effective avenue for online marketing strategies to come into fruition, as well. However, Google is constantly changing their algorithms to better suit the user, and with this change comes much confusion about what is right, and what is wrong within an online marketing strategy such as search engine optimization (SEO). For example, Google Penguin is an algorithm update that occurred in April of 2012. Penguin is intended to decrease search engine rankings of websites that violate their webmaster guidelines by using black-hat SEO techniques. What are black-hat SEO techniques you ask? We’ll get to that later. Let’s first review the basis of SEO.
In case you’re not familiar with SEO, here’s a quick summary for how the entire strategy works: SEO works to improve the visibility of a website through the creation of high quality, and valuable content for internet users. Relevant keywords that a website is trying to improve their search engine ranking on will be present within the content, with the primary objective of Google’s algorithms picking up on these keywords, and ultimately improving the website’s search engine ranking for those specific keywords. The best SEO campaigns will syndicate this high quality content both on and off site. This process allows search engines like Google to recognize your website as more valuable for viewers; therefore, the rankings of your websites significantly improve on the search engine results page. Black-hat SEO techniques involve content with much keyword spamming, invisible text, link-baiting, etc. — all of which are frowned upon by Google, and while these tactics may work in the short-term, using them will typically a website black-listed by Google.
When it’s created and managed properly, SEO is among the most effective marketing strategies that exist today. Market research shows that inbound leads from SEO campaigns, on average, cost 61% lower than outbound leads, and SEO features an 11.1% higher closing rate than outbound marketing tactics. Although SEO is very effective, a well-managed campaign requires a lot of work — creating content that is both high-quality and optimized for search engine rankings is a balancing act. Because a typical marketing or web development firm often does not have the time, man-power, knowledge or resources to create and manage multiple SEO campaigns for their clients, they will typically outsource their SEO campaigns under a private label SEO or white label SEO reseller.
White label SEO resellers present a perfect opportunity for keeping up with Google’s algorithm changes. SEO resellers understand the current trends involved with online marketing, and will typically act as an affiliate program, allowing second party businesses and organizations to sell SEO campaigns under their own name, while the reselling firm accomplishes the bulk of the work. White label SEO reseller programs are incredibly valuable because businesses can offer more marketing services to their clients, increase their profits, and not have to deal with the time-consuming and expensive nature of managing multiple SEO campaigns.